Ken Loach and Social Realism films by Lukas Agelastos My conviction is that every person should be born into equal opportunities. Social Realism films exhibit a socially conscious perspective while at the same time remaining accessible to mainstream audiences. I first watched Ken Loach films because of my love for Scotland. I am very fond of what I perceive to be the positive traits of their mentality: the humbleness, the humour, the hospitality, the genuine friendliness and the way people are not brought up to be the centre of the universe. I was astonished by how realistically life in Glasgow and surrounding areas was depicted in Ae Fond Kiss (2004), My Name is Joe (1998), Sweet Sixteen (2002) and more recently, The Angels’ Share (2012). The images of poverty, the realness of the humour, the language, and the way the films are shot are “real”.